How is the film 7 Days?


    7 Days is a 2010 Canadian thriller film starring Claude Legault and directed by Daniel Grou. Patrick Senécal wrote the script, which is based on his novel Les Sept Jours Du Talion.

    Bruno Hamel is a surgeon who is 38 years old. He and his wife Sylvie, as well as their eight-year-old daughter Jasmine, live in Drummondville. He is living an ordinary life, like many other happy people, until his daughter is raped and murdered on a beautiful fall afternoon. The Hamel family’s world falls apart after that. Bruno’s gloomy psyche germinates a horrific project when the murderer is apprehended. He intends to apprehend the ‘monster’ and hold him accountable for his actions.

    7 Days

    On the day the killer is due in court, Hamel, who had meticulously planned his strategy, kidnaps the monster and later delivers a brief note to the police declaring that the rapist and murderer of his daughter would be tortured for seven days before being executed. He will then give himself up once this mission is completed.

    The cops find Hamel’s hut on the eighth day. Hamel surrenders and allows Lemaire to survive. A reporter asks him if he still believes in vengeance as the cops carry him away. Hamel replies with a resounding ‘No.’ When asked if he regrets what he has done, he responds in the same way.

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