Home Entertainment How to find an old movie you can’t remember?

How to find an old movie you can’t remember?


It’s aggravating when you have something on the tip of your tongue but can’t recall what it is. This occurs frequently with names, words, and music, but it appears to occur most frequently with movie titles. After all, dozens of movies are released each year in theatres (not to mention on streaming platforms), so it’s understandable if you don’t recognize that film.

Even if you forget a movie’s title, there are several techniques to locate a title you can’t recall. You can look up narrative information, performers you recognize, and even lines from the movie on Google. If that fails, the next best option is to use a movie finder website or program.

One of the simplest ways to locate a film’s title is to look up the actors that appeared in it. You can check an actor’s filmography on Wikipedia or IMDb, and you should be able to discover the film you’re looking for there.


The majority of people will locate the movie they’re seeking using the previous method, but there are still many occasions where it won’t work. Perhaps there are too many movies with a similar plotline, or your keywords were insufficiently exact.
Finally, you can exploit the internet’s power by visiting a movie-finding website or forum. You can use these tools to determine the title of a film based on a scene or a few details!

There are also internet forums or online groups dedicated to incidents like these — post in one of such channels, and you’ll get advice from dozens of friendly internet strangers in no time. Plus, even if you don’t discover the precise film you’re looking for, you’ll get plenty of suggestions for future viewing!

Tip of My Tongue (TOMT) isn’t exclusively a movie-finding website. You can talk about anything, including music, video games, quotes, art, historical figures, language, concepts, and more. Of course, many people utilize it to track down ancient films whose titles they can’t remember.

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