Zee Studios’ “Kennedy,” directed by Anurag Kashyap received a standing ovation, whistles, cheer and claps at its inaugural premiere in India wherein 2000 people zestfully relished over this cinematic powerhouse. Amidst the electrifying atmosphere of the Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival, Shariq Patel, the Chief Business Officer of Zee Studios, shared that, the studio was thrilled to bring the much-celebrated “Kennedy,” to the grand canvas of Indian cinemas through a theatrical release.
Zee Studios had already planned for the theatrical release post the humongous acclaim that the Rahul Bhat-starrer had garnered in the international circuit and the fact was only revealed by Shariq in the wake of the eruption of acclaim that ‘Kennedy’ received at the inaugural premiere.
“Following the overwhelming appreciation that ‘Kennedy’ has garnered on the international stage, I would like to state that the film shall be having a theatrical release!” Shariq further expressed with a note of palpable enthusiasm,”If ‘Oppenheimer’ can garner 150 crores because of ardent cinephiles, I am sure our stories can definitely do some great business in India and you all being the first brand ambassadors from India to have watched the film its on you’ll to now promote the film for it to do well when it releases here. This is a golden period for Indian storytelling so we should keep supporting our stories and content more”
The studio’s strategic decision to embrace the theatrical release of Anurag Kashyap’s ‘Kennedy,’ reflects not only Zee Studios’ commitment to offering a spectrum of compelling stories but also their confidence in the Indian audience’s appetite for thought-provoking and internationally acclaimed cinema.