Step into the enigmatic lives of the students at the prestigious boarding school, Vandana Valley. Prime Video teased the upcoming series, based on friendships, bonds, and sisterhood formed between seven free-spirited girls as they journey through their formative years of life together, living by a code of their own, #BGDC. With a predominantly women-led cast, the series stars Avantika Vandanapu, Aneet Padda, Dalai, Vidushi, Lhakyila, Afrah Sayed, and Akshita Sood, along with Pooja Bhatt, Raima Sen, Zoya Hussain, and Mukul Chadda. The series is set to premiere on Prime Video, on March 14 in over 240 countries and territories in Hindi, with dubs in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam.
Watch the teaser here :