Many film and television productions in Hollywood are contractually supervised by the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) Entertainment Media Unit, which is part of the Office of the Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon, and by the military services’ public affairs offices, which are maintained solely for entertainment purposes.
The military-entertainment complex is a mutually beneficial collaboration between the military and the entertainment industry, particularly in disciplines like cinema, multimedia, and virtual reality. The allegation that the Military-Entertainment Complex is US Military Propaganda is widely accepted, although being contested.
Many film and television productions in Hollywood are contractually supervised by the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) Entertainment Media Unit within the Office of the Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon, as well as by the military services’ public affairs offices in Los Angeles dedicated solely to the entertainment industry.
Katy Perry’s 2012 music video ‘Part of Me,’ in which she joins the Marines, was shot with the help of the Marines at USMC Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, California.
In 2011, Washington Post journalist David Sirota questioned whether the strategy was constitutional, given that the Department of Defense directly influences the outcome of movie scripts (violating freedom of speech) and uses public resources (Army equipment paid for by taxpayers) to expand its influence in the film industry.
‘The technologies that create our civilization have always been pushed forward by battle,’ Ed Halter wrote in his book From Sun Tzu to Xbox. ‘Video games were not designed specifically for military goals; rather, arose out of an intellectual atmosphere whose survival was wholly dependent on defense research,’ according to the report.