Ragnarok is a Netflix-produced Norwegian fantasy drama streaming television series based on Norse mythology. It is set in the present day, in the fictional Norwegian town of Edda in Hordaland, Western Norway, which is suffering from climate change and industrial pollution created by the local Jutul family’s enterprises.
The Justus are four Jötunn who have taken on the role of a family. Magne, a teenage kid who is astonished to realize that he is the reincarnation of Thor, challenges them and forces them to combat those who are destroying the planet. He is joined by more people who represent other gods in the second season.
The first season of the show aired in January 2020, followed by a second season in May 2021. Following Home for Christmas and Lilyhammer, this is Netflix’s third Norwegian-language TV series. SAM Productions, a Danish production firm, is behind the series.
Season 3 of Ragnarok has been approved by Netflix. The official page for Ragnarok on Netflix has been updated, revealing that there will be a second season. On Twitter and Instagram, Herman Tmmeraas, who plays the enormous Fjor, confirmed the renewal of Ragnarok season 3 in November 2021.
Netflix generally announces season renewals a few weeks in advance, but given the pandemic and other considerations, it wasn’t out of the question that Ragnarok season 3 would take months to get the green light. While the series has received mixed reviews, Netflix’s decision to renew it was most likely based on how it counts its subscribers.
Season 3 of Ragnarok does not yet have a release date. According to the COVID-related delays for season 2 — the first season premiered in January 2020, and the most recent season premiered nearly a year and a half later — Ragnarok season 3 will most likely premiere in mid-to-late 2022.
Hopefully, now that COVID constraints have been lifted to some extent, production has commenced or will begin soon. Ragnarok season 3 will most likely contain six episodes, just like the previous seasons, and all of the main characters and recurring characters should return.