The first episode of the sitcom Office Office, which is in the Hindi language, aired on SAB TV on September 3, 2001. The show featured a humorous look at India’s pervasive corruption. Mussadilal, played by Pankaj Kapur, was the series’ main character.
In Mumbai, the Gemini and Kamalistan studios were used for the filming.
The plot of this show earned favorable reviews, and it won the “Best Comedy” prize at the “RAPA Awards” in 2001 and 2002.
Naya, a sequel series to Office Office, debuted on Star One in 2007. Additionally, a comic book series based on the show was released. Prakash Novels was the publisher of the books.
Chala Mussaddi, a movie based on a television serial… The movie Office Office, which debuted on August 5, 2011, received largely unfavorable reviews from reviewers.
Musadilal transports him to a neighboring municipal hospital on the basis of humanism. However, because of a strike by the medical staff, Musaddi must transport the patient to Bhatia Hospital, a private facility.
Before Musaddi could realize it, he was caught up in the formalities of being passed from one doctor to the next. Musaddi wanted to assist the man to obtain medical care so that he could then go his way and forget about it.
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